Join the Port Townsend Artist Directory


Fill out the information below to join the Port Townsend Artist Directory. Our staff will review and approve your submissions within 2-5 business days, after which your profile will appear in the Artist Directory portion of the Creative District website.

We will email login information to manage your profile and provide a link to instructions. Find a link to the artist login page and other information at the bottom of this website.

Read instructions on the registration process at:

Register as an Artist/Group/Organization

* = required

  • Personal Information

    The information entered in this section is used for administrative purposes only and will not be displayed on the website.
  • Use special characters such as [ ] ~ * & % to create a strong password. Minimum length of 12 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Strong
    Strength indicator
  • Public Information

    The rest of the information entered in this section and below will be displayed publicly on your artist profile page.
  • This should be a photo of you, not artwork you have created. The ideal dimensions are 240px square.
  • Description

    Introduce yourself and your art to visitors to the PTCD website!
  • Social Media Account URLs

    Please provide the social media accounts you would like to display in your profile. Enter the full URL for the page. Example:
  • Terms and Conditions

    Please indicate your acceptance of the site's Terms and Conditions.